Reliable, Cost-Effective Electric Transmission
Reliable, Cost-Effective Electric Transmission
Republic Transmission formed a strategic partnership with its parents, LS Power and Hoosier Energy, and a local utility — Big Rivers Electric Corporation — to bring together significant operations expertise and local knowledge and experience to develop a reliable, cost-effective solution.

Republic Transmission, LLC is a subsidiary of LS Power, the leader in competitive transmission development in North America. Connecting southern Indiana and western Kentucky, Republic Transmission strengthens the MISO region’s transmission backbone to reduce congestion and enable lower system costs.
Key Features

Improving Reliability
MISO determined the Republic Transmission’s new extra-high voltage transmission line would increase reliability by strengthening the region’s transmission backbone.

Reducing Costs
MISO estimates our transmission facilities will provide over $1 billion in consumer cost savings. Expanding the area’s 345 kV backbone transmission grid and completing an awaited high-voltage loop allows lower cost generation to reach large industrial loads, businesses, and consumers.

Facilitating Renewable Energy
By expanding the 345 kV backbone, Republic Transmission’s facilities further enable the delivery of renewable energy across the MISO footprint. During periods of high renewable resource output, Republic Transmission’s facilities improve MISO’s ability to efficiently deliver excess, low-cost renewable energy to broader areas of the region.

Competition is Our Difference
Competition for new transmission development brings significant value to electricity consumers and the regions in which they live. Our company was selected through a competitive bidding process pursuant to FERC Order No. 1000 to develop Republic’s transmission facilities. Because of this competitive process, MISO received a cost-effective, innovative solution that answered unique challenges — crossing the Ohio River with an overhead transmission line and related mitigation and clearing restrictions associated with threatened and endangered species — to its request for proposals.
How the MISO Electric Market Works
Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) is an independent, not-for-profit organization that delivers safe, cost-effective electric power across 15 U.S. states and the Canadian province of Manitoba. MISO operates one of the world’s largest energy markets with more than $29 billion in annual gross market energy transactions.